I bought a bra at Victoria's Secret a couple months ago. As many of you know, these things aren't cheap. Anyhoo, this particular bra has a problem, the straps keep falling down.
One would think that with hooters as big as mine that gravity would help hold the straps in place. Not with this bra, I am constantly readjusting the straps when the fall down my shoulders. It doesn't matter where I am, a meeting, out to lunch or trying to impress the maintenance guy, Bruce, they fall down and I have to pick them back up - what a picture that must be in your mind...
I don't have any other bra that acts like this, just the pretty green one. Is it something I am doing wrong or is it like a defiant teenager trying to piss me off?
Maybe I need to hire a manboy that will hold my breasts in place. That would make both of us happy :) I'm sure if I made enough money my husband would be more than happy following me around all day keeping my hmm huhs pointing towards the sky.
Oh well, enough of that. I just made myself smile :)
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
The Family Reunion

It's been awhile since I have posted, but I really haven't had too much to say. Anyway, I was in Maryland for a family reunion over the weekend.
The weekend started out fine, my cousin Karen and I left Friday morning and drove to a town just south of Ocean City. We had our usual laughs and chats about her disfunctional love life. I love Karen a lot, but she really needs to get rid of the idiot obsession. She has this habit of getting to know a guy by being friends, they spend time together and she develops a crush, which never amounts to anything but heartache for her. To be honest, I get tired of hearing about it.
Anyhow another quip I have is that she NEVER uses cruise control on the interstate. The only time the cruise in her car has been used is when I use it. Now I wouldn't have to much of an issue with this, except she never maintains the same speed. She could be going 65 one minute, then 85 the next - ugh... Me being the control freak that I am, this drives me up a wall.
Enough of that :) Friday night we went to my cousin Linda's for Crabs and had a blast as you can tell.
Saturday was the day of the reunion and what an interesting one it was. My uncle told my aunt, his sister, that he now understood why her daughters didn't like her - she treats strangers better than she treats her family. Of course he told my mom and cousin that he did this and neither one of them were happy with his honesty. Mom was worried about all the bitching she was going to hear on the way home with my aunt. My cousin figured it would just make things worse.
When my Mom was a kid, my grandmother felt that she (my grandmother) was the black sheep of the family and that her parents didn't like her. It's amazing how we perceive things. Anyway, all the grandchildren (my mom's cousins) were talking about what they received from their grandmother Bailey. Of course, my mom, aunt and uncle did not get anything from her. My mom felt like it was having salt rubbed in an old wound, so she cried. I had to tell her that some people don't realize what they are saying and let her know that it really doesn't matter, she has good memories and personal possesions are just that.
My aunt was talking crazy stuff all day long, she is so full of crap that I have to walk away. Here's one scenario. When my cousin Sherry was little, she tripped over a sleeping dog. The dog freaked out and bit her in the face. To this day she has a scar under her right eye. My aunt, Sherry's mother, tried to tell my uncle that it was Sherry's fault that the dog bit her and that the way skin stretches and moves as you age, that the scar was now down on Sherry's neck - total bullshit!!!! She told people that she checked herself out of the hospital after she had quadriple by-pass and spent three weeks unconscious. No, she didn't check herself out, they moved her to a rehab center. To bad it wasn't a mental rehab center :)
My aunt is a compulsive liar. After my two cousins were born, each to different fathers (not that there's anything wrong with that), she moved back to Pittsburgh so my grandparents could help her out with the kids. Anyhow, she ended up pregnant for the third time and told my grandmother that she got pregnant from a toilet seat - and my grandmother believed her!!! She ended up giving the child up for adoption and never telling her kids that they have a half-brother. My mom got drunk one day on our beach vacation last year and blurted it out that Karen has a half brother. Karen wasn't to angry, but has never questioned her mother about this child.
Oh well, I did get to meet some really cool people at the reunion. I have a cousin Kim that Fosters mentally challenged kids. I have the utmost respect for her and her husband, they have six foster children and they are all well behaved.
My cousin Tina, was a real bitch. She didn't speak to anyone other than her immediate family. I tried on multiple occasions to have a conversation with her and she looked at me like I was a crazy person. Her kids were the same way, I would say hi and they would hide behind her leg or run away. All the other kids were real friendly except hers. From what I hear, her husband doesn't speak to anyone he doesn't know and expects her to be the same way. Man, what a way to live...
I have to run, I have homework to do before class this week.
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