I woke up this morning in the arms of my husband. It felt good to have his strong biceps around me, making me feel needed and loved.
We were out last night for the company Christmas party and got home late. It was so nice to sleep in this morning. We laid in bed and discussed conversations that took place at the party. Gordy is really good at people watching and told me some things that I hadn't noticed at the party.
He told me that Darrin was really annoyed with our new employee, Lisa. She is an overbearing person that tries too hard to be accepted. I didn't realize people thought this way about her until she weazeled her way into our limo going from the Bill Cosby show and dinner. She grabbed a hold of Trevor's ear and wouldn't let go. I could tell he was really annoyed with the whole situation and would have walked away from her if he could.
The thing about Lisa is that she means well, but she pushes too hard to be liked. She comes around when everyone is busy and just stands around. She doesn't know when to leave, especially when she's standing at my desk and someone comes over to ask me a question - she stays like she is part of the question.
Another thing that bothers me is her lack of personal hygiene. Her teeth look like they haven't been cleaned in 15 years. I have to say, dirty teeth is one of my biggest peeves. Her hair looks like it hasn't been brushed for weeks. I don't understand why someone hasn't said something to her about this since she is representing us at client sites. I also don't trust her networking abilities, though she has come into our company to fill some big shoes.
Besides the dirty teeth, she is LOUD. Her inside voice belongs on a varsity football cheerleading squad the day of the big game. I can have my headphones on at the office listening to music at a high decibel rate, and can hear her talking to people on the phone or just in general. One day I heard her on the phone talking to someone over the speaker. This is a no no at the office, there are too many of us to pull a stunt like this - Darrin would have freaked if he would have heard that.
oh well, enough bitching about Lisa. Back to the Sunday morning thing... We had a great morning, it was pretty much typical. Cuddling, talking, getting up and having coffee and breakfast. I really enjoy these times becuase it's just us. This is really the only time of the week that we sit and talk. I cherish these moments and look forward to Sunday mornings with Gordy.
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Thanksgiving and the In-Laws
We went to my brothers for Thanksgiving. I wasn't really looking forward to going becuase my sister-in-laws entire family was going to be there.
They are a different sort of people. The oldest sister Sue is married to a member of the local school board. He is also a business owner, they build expensive houses and thinks the entire family is beneath he and his wife. Sue walks around with her nose up in the air and he looks down upon people whose homes are less than the ones he builds.
Melissa is the nice sister. She and I were in the band together in high school and I always thought she was a nice person. She and her husband have four kids, she is a stay at home Mom and he is a teacher. They don't have a lot of money, but they are happy with what they have.
Jennifer is the piece of work. At 31 she is on marriage number three. The first one lasted six months and the second, six weeks. I never met the first husband, but the second one was really nice. They lived together two years before the wedding, so I can't figure out why she couldn't be happy after the wedding. She married Billy this summer, and again, he is a wonderful guy. I asked my brother, Greg, how things were working out with Jen and Billy, Greg told me there were some rumors going around that things weren't too well. Billy has been traveling with his job and you know the saying, "when the cats away, the mice will play..." Apparently she has been doing some things that she shouldn't be doing. When they got married, my brother bought them power tools, so when they got divorced he would get something from the wedding. I honestly think that if things go South with Billy, the family will keep him and get rid of her. Greg says she's really two faced and would cut someone down any chance she gets.
There is another sister, Debbie, but she lives somewhere in Virginia and I have only ever met her once. Kelli seems to think she is gay - but who really cares if she is.
Now that you have the lowdown on the family, here's what happened...
My Mom went to Greg and Kelli's house on Wednesday to make the pies. She spent the night so she could help out with the turkey the next morning. When I talked to my Mom later, she said that she and Greg did everything - Kelli didn't lift a finger to help out.
Anyway, they were planning on eating around 4:00. Gordy and I got there at 2:00 and we were the only people there besides Greg, Mom and Kelli. They had a ton of snacks so we ate some and had some really good drinks. At 3:15 the only other person to arrive was my Dad.
I don't know about other families, but in mine, when there is a holiday dinner being prepared, we generally spend the whole day together.
Anyhooo, people started arriving at 3:45 to eat at 4:00. There were some people running a little late, so we ate at 4:30, which is not a big deal. When dinner was done and the dessert eat, Kelli's entire family started leaving. There was no sleeping on the couch watching a football game, no joking with each others bellies from the huge dinner - nothing... I thought this was the strangest holiday I have ever been a part of.
They are a different sort of people. The oldest sister Sue is married to a member of the local school board. He is also a business owner, they build expensive houses and thinks the entire family is beneath he and his wife. Sue walks around with her nose up in the air and he looks down upon people whose homes are less than the ones he builds.
Melissa is the nice sister. She and I were in the band together in high school and I always thought she was a nice person. She and her husband have four kids, she is a stay at home Mom and he is a teacher. They don't have a lot of money, but they are happy with what they have.
Jennifer is the piece of work. At 31 she is on marriage number three. The first one lasted six months and the second, six weeks. I never met the first husband, but the second one was really nice. They lived together two years before the wedding, so I can't figure out why she couldn't be happy after the wedding. She married Billy this summer, and again, he is a wonderful guy. I asked my brother, Greg, how things were working out with Jen and Billy, Greg told me there were some rumors going around that things weren't too well. Billy has been traveling with his job and you know the saying, "when the cats away, the mice will play..." Apparently she has been doing some things that she shouldn't be doing. When they got married, my brother bought them power tools, so when they got divorced he would get something from the wedding. I honestly think that if things go South with Billy, the family will keep him and get rid of her. Greg says she's really two faced and would cut someone down any chance she gets.
There is another sister, Debbie, but she lives somewhere in Virginia and I have only ever met her once. Kelli seems to think she is gay - but who really cares if she is.
Now that you have the lowdown on the family, here's what happened...
My Mom went to Greg and Kelli's house on Wednesday to make the pies. She spent the night so she could help out with the turkey the next morning. When I talked to my Mom later, she said that she and Greg did everything - Kelli didn't lift a finger to help out.
Anyway, they were planning on eating around 4:00. Gordy and I got there at 2:00 and we were the only people there besides Greg, Mom and Kelli. They had a ton of snacks so we ate some and had some really good drinks. At 3:15 the only other person to arrive was my Dad.
I don't know about other families, but in mine, when there is a holiday dinner being prepared, we generally spend the whole day together.
Anyhooo, people started arriving at 3:45 to eat at 4:00. There were some people running a little late, so we ate at 4:30, which is not a big deal. When dinner was done and the dessert eat, Kelli's entire family started leaving. There was no sleeping on the couch watching a football game, no joking with each others bellies from the huge dinner - nothing... I thought this was the strangest holiday I have ever been a part of.
Friday, November 18, 2005
I was talking with Gordy the other day about my "crushes" and how they last a long time.
First it was Tim. Yeah he and I dated for awhile, but there was always this "thing" between us even after we were married to other people. No, there was never a sexual relationship, but I always loved him in a way (albeit unhealthy). It took a disaster in my life to realize that he was never really a friend and this "thing" between us was just an image I had in my head.
Then there was Scott. Now there was some serious sexual tension between the two of us. We had a brief fling - the best sex I ever had - but I knew it would never last, I didn't trusted him. I talk to him about once a year to say hi and catch up with each other's lives. It took me awhile to get over him because things were so intense, but there is nothing now.
~Trevor. Solid, fun loving, never been married and always chasing after the wrong girl, Trevor. He was my very first obtainable crush. I have known T longer than I have known Gordon. We were and always will be friends. For a brief period of time when I started working here, I thought there could have been something more. I was going through a bad time at home and T was something to think about other than the bad stuff. I look back on that period of time and think - Marge, you were such an ass.
Finally, there is my wonderful, adoring husband - my forever crush. If something ever happened to him, I don't think I would ever get over it. We just are. I don't know how to explain it, but where I end, he starts. We both enjoy making the other one happy. When I was younger, we had a lot of problems. I think it was do to me being so young.
Oh well, he just called. We have a date tonight and he wanted to know if I was ready yet - what a guy.
First it was Tim. Yeah he and I dated for awhile, but there was always this "thing" between us even after we were married to other people. No, there was never a sexual relationship, but I always loved him in a way (albeit unhealthy). It took a disaster in my life to realize that he was never really a friend and this "thing" between us was just an image I had in my head.
Then there was Scott. Now there was some serious sexual tension between the two of us. We had a brief fling - the best sex I ever had - but I knew it would never last, I didn't trusted him. I talk to him about once a year to say hi and catch up with each other's lives. It took me awhile to get over him because things were so intense, but there is nothing now.
~Trevor. Solid, fun loving, never been married and always chasing after the wrong girl, Trevor. He was my very first obtainable crush. I have known T longer than I have known Gordon. We were and always will be friends. For a brief period of time when I started working here, I thought there could have been something more. I was going through a bad time at home and T was something to think about other than the bad stuff. I look back on that period of time and think - Marge, you were such an ass.
Finally, there is my wonderful, adoring husband - my forever crush. If something ever happened to him, I don't think I would ever get over it. We just are. I don't know how to explain it, but where I end, he starts. We both enjoy making the other one happy. When I was younger, we had a lot of problems. I think it was do to me being so young.
Oh well, he just called. We have a date tonight and he wanted to know if I was ready yet - what a guy.
Just Turn Around Now...
I had just finished up in the restroom when I heard your keys jangling outside the door to your "office." I thought I had missed you and felt a wave of sadness wash over me.
I try to make it a point be in the foyer around the time you leave work - this is an everyday occurance - secretly hoping I would catch a glimpse at those eyes.
It would be an entire weekend before I had the chance to see you again. Then it happened...
I was leaning against the wall talking with Jean when you brushed passed me. You didn't see me as you walked by and said "goodnight" to Jean.
At that point something unintelligible came out of my mouth that sounded like "have a nice weekend" but wasn't.
It was only five more steps until you realized it was me, then you turned around. You leaned left just enough to catch my eye. There it was, those eyes and that smile, all for me. I looked at you and blushed, "Have a nice weekend," you said. "You too Bruce," was my lame respose.
All that and you turned around and walked away, head down. It was all I could do not to run after you, but I stayed and finished my conversation with Jean.
I must say this whole thing is ludicrous and very high school. I have a crush on this guy, I know his name - first and last - and he has no idea what my name is. He's never asked me and if he knows what it is, he never uses it.
The funny thing is that if I was available, he probably would never ask me out, (here goes that self esteem thing again) I'm overweight, not anything to really look at, and ... well I'm sure there is something else wrong with me that a guy would find fault with.
I try to make it a point be in the foyer around the time you leave work - this is an everyday occurance - secretly hoping I would catch a glimpse at those eyes.
It would be an entire weekend before I had the chance to see you again. Then it happened...
I was leaning against the wall talking with Jean when you brushed passed me. You didn't see me as you walked by and said "goodnight" to Jean.
At that point something unintelligible came out of my mouth that sounded like "have a nice weekend" but wasn't.
It was only five more steps until you realized it was me, then you turned around. You leaned left just enough to catch my eye. There it was, those eyes and that smile, all for me. I looked at you and blushed, "Have a nice weekend," you said. "You too Bruce," was my lame respose.
All that and you turned around and walked away, head down. It was all I could do not to run after you, but I stayed and finished my conversation with Jean.
I must say this whole thing is ludicrous and very high school. I have a crush on this guy, I know his name - first and last - and he has no idea what my name is. He's never asked me and if he knows what it is, he never uses it.
The funny thing is that if I was available, he probably would never ask me out, (here goes that self esteem thing again) I'm overweight, not anything to really look at, and ... well I'm sure there is something else wrong with me that a guy would find fault with.
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
My dream had you in a magazine ad, full page and color – a man accused of murder, found innocent and moving on with his life. The short haired, red head on your arm, your next conquest. All of this and yet you are not happy with the direction life is taking you.
I know who you are, I know your name, but I don’t know why you come to me in the darkness of the night to be with me in my dreams. Your face is familiar, but I can’t seem to touch it.
You walk into the room, my heart races and I can’t speak. What is my problem? I am happy with my life and my love, but you seem to cut into my world with your deep green eyes.
Later I see you and take just a brief moment to watch. Watch your actions, the way you walk with your head down. Are you unsure of yourself or just deep in thought?
The way you turn to talk to me when we pass makes me feel important, like I am the only one around. It’s almost as if to say you enjoy those brief five second conversations though nothing is “really” said.
OK OK, I am rambling about a dream I had last night about the maintenance guy. I was also in a creative mood and thought I would explore my thoughts on the subject. Nothing to worry about, all is well at home and I am enjoying a little crush - Gordy knows about it :)
I know who you are, I know your name, but I don’t know why you come to me in the darkness of the night to be with me in my dreams. Your face is familiar, but I can’t seem to touch it.
You walk into the room, my heart races and I can’t speak. What is my problem? I am happy with my life and my love, but you seem to cut into my world with your deep green eyes.
Later I see you and take just a brief moment to watch. Watch your actions, the way you walk with your head down. Are you unsure of yourself or just deep in thought?
The way you turn to talk to me when we pass makes me feel important, like I am the only one around. It’s almost as if to say you enjoy those brief five second conversations though nothing is “really” said.
OK OK, I am rambling about a dream I had last night about the maintenance guy. I was also in a creative mood and thought I would explore my thoughts on the subject. Nothing to worry about, all is well at home and I am enjoying a little crush - Gordy knows about it :)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Quick Quip
Yeah another bitching post...
Gordy and I were at a local department store last night looking for a recliner for Jon and Amie. The one they have is really uncomfortable and I think it's broken.
Anyhow... We walk into the furniture department and there are about 10 kids hanging out talking. I thought this was a little weird, but still kept looking at the chairs. After about 10 minutes of the idle chatter and wondering eyes of young people, I started to get pissy. Their bubble gummed tennis shoes on nice white leather made me feel bad for the sales person.
One set of teens where hanging out on the electric beds, they were moving the bed into the upright position, then back to flat.
When the sales associate came over to great us, I asked why the kids were there. He sais they do this all the time. These kids had been there for about two hours talking and sitting on the furniture. I then wanted to know why he didn't tell them to leave - it's store policy not to approach them, was the answer.
I can understand why the associate wouldn't want to approach these delinquents to leave, one, they could pull out a gun and two, they may be future customers. Though I doubt the associate will be there when these kids are old enough to buy furniture.
What would the parents of these kids think if they knew their kids where hanging out in the furniture section of a department store disrupting customers? Would they be upset? Do the parents really care where their kids are on a Saturday night?
What has happened to our society that people have no respect for one another? I would never have done anything like that becuase my parents would have been disappointed with my actions.
I wonder if I should write a letter to the local paper? Maybe this would be a wake up call to parents, though I doubt it.
Gordy and I were at a local department store last night looking for a recliner for Jon and Amie. The one they have is really uncomfortable and I think it's broken.
Anyhow... We walk into the furniture department and there are about 10 kids hanging out talking. I thought this was a little weird, but still kept looking at the chairs. After about 10 minutes of the idle chatter and wondering eyes of young people, I started to get pissy. Their bubble gummed tennis shoes on nice white leather made me feel bad for the sales person.
One set of teens where hanging out on the electric beds, they were moving the bed into the upright position, then back to flat.
When the sales associate came over to great us, I asked why the kids were there. He sais they do this all the time. These kids had been there for about two hours talking and sitting on the furniture. I then wanted to know why he didn't tell them to leave - it's store policy not to approach them, was the answer.
I can understand why the associate wouldn't want to approach these delinquents to leave, one, they could pull out a gun and two, they may be future customers. Though I doubt the associate will be there when these kids are old enough to buy furniture.
What would the parents of these kids think if they knew their kids where hanging out in the furniture section of a department store disrupting customers? Would they be upset? Do the parents really care where their kids are on a Saturday night?
What has happened to our society that people have no respect for one another? I would never have done anything like that becuase my parents would have been disappointed with my actions.
I wonder if I should write a letter to the local paper? Maybe this would be a wake up call to parents, though I doubt it.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Taking Advantage
I'm not sure if anyone remembers me ranting about the "guests" my company has leased space to on a temporary basis?
They have been loud and rude, but we have all learned to co-exist fairly decent considering the situation. I think the thing that has bothered me and my co-workers is that the rumor mill has gone around and they aren't paying their rent to us. Considering it's only 1500 a month for class A space they are getting away cheap.
I found out by accident that we are going to lease the entire space (ours plus the old Lilly space) then sublease the old Lilly space to Trilliant. I am curious to see what Darrin has to say about the whole thing and how he is going to react to the uproar when he announces that we are leasing the whole space and subleasing to our "guests" it's gonna be funny.
I guess what boggles me is that this guy takes advantage of Darrin. He strutts around like he owns the place. He leaves his coffee cup in the kitchen sink, and can't muster up enough energy to open the dishwasher to put the cup in. His kids come in and run around the office, they use our ping pong table for fun and are just plain rude.
They hired a new guy and he moved into our networking lab - there wasn;t anywhere else to put him. The guy is arrogant and looks at all of us like we are invading his place of business.
Another thing that makes me angry about the whole thing is that if they don't pay their rent my bonus will be affected. How will my company be able to honor the bonus plan when expected money is not coming in.
Oh well, I guess the management team knows what is best and if Trilliant doesn't pay, then they will get kicked out. I need to trust the higher ups for the betterment of the company and I have no right to complain
They have been loud and rude, but we have all learned to co-exist fairly decent considering the situation. I think the thing that has bothered me and my co-workers is that the rumor mill has gone around and they aren't paying their rent to us. Considering it's only 1500 a month for class A space they are getting away cheap.
I found out by accident that we are going to lease the entire space (ours plus the old Lilly space) then sublease the old Lilly space to Trilliant. I am curious to see what Darrin has to say about the whole thing and how he is going to react to the uproar when he announces that we are leasing the whole space and subleasing to our "guests" it's gonna be funny.
I guess what boggles me is that this guy takes advantage of Darrin. He strutts around like he owns the place. He leaves his coffee cup in the kitchen sink, and can't muster up enough energy to open the dishwasher to put the cup in. His kids come in and run around the office, they use our ping pong table for fun and are just plain rude.
They hired a new guy and he moved into our networking lab - there wasn;t anywhere else to put him. The guy is arrogant and looks at all of us like we are invading his place of business.
Another thing that makes me angry about the whole thing is that if they don't pay their rent my bonus will be affected. How will my company be able to honor the bonus plan when expected money is not coming in.
Oh well, I guess the management team knows what is best and if Trilliant doesn't pay, then they will get kicked out. I need to trust the higher ups for the betterment of the company and I have no right to complain
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