Over the past three months I have been in a tizzy about soeing some wild oats. I even had someone interested in being the soeie.
Anyway, Gordy and I talked about it three weeks ago. I finally got up the courage to tell him what I was feeling. Needless to say, he was shocked.
I let it all out, held nothing back and felt a wave of relief wash over me when it was done.
He had many questions, specifically about the soeie, and he got truthful answers. We had kissed but it never went any further than that.
After spending an entire weekend discussing this situation, we both realized that we had drifted apart and needed to come back together.
I admit that he was driving me nuts. I knew I was loved, but he had a strange way of showing it. He wasn't very communicative about certain things, especially about his job and the kids.
I on the other hand wasn't showing him the love and respect that he needed.
I feel incredibly sorry for what I almost did to our marriage and I am working on getting his trust back - this will take a long time. I am also working on my self esteem - which has been gone for awhile.
The hardest part of this thing is seeing the soeie a couple times a week at work. It's not like he works for the same company, but he is in the same building. When I see him, my stomach no longer flutters, but I still have this need to be his friend. I know it sounds really strange, but I feel like I will always have this connection with him even though nothing more than a kiss happened.
When I talked to Gordy about the soeie, he was shocked that I would give everything up for a man that I could never see myself with. Yeah, strange. This guy is really nice, but he is so not my type. He is very opinionated about people that are gay or lesbian - how can they be like that, it's just wrong. He is also very insecure with himself. I don't think that he can live without a woman in his life. It doesn't matter if they don't get along - he wants to know that there is someone there when he gets home. Me, I like my independence. I can be by myself if I have to be, it's not the end of the world to be alone.
Oh well, at least I came to my senses, calmed down and am getting on with life. I look forward to going home and spending time with Gordy. It's been awhile since I have felt that way.
Gotta run, I have someone to meet at home :)