Gosh, I can't remember the last time I wrote here. I think the writing thing comes and goes in spurts, and I haven't felt like writing in awhile.
Just a couple quick quips
1. Why do people insist on using a conference room for a conference call and don't close the door.
2. Why do the Geeks at the Geek Squad insist on giving their life story to each customer?
With the first one, there is a loud guy at work. He thinks that the entire office revolves around him. I have heard him spend hours on the phone with our health insurance provider wanting to know how his 22 year old daughter can get a rabies shot for vet school. Here is my problem with this,
a) I really don't give a rats arse about hearing this conversation go on for hours.
b) he makes enough money that he can afford to pay for the shot.
c) she is 22 and lives 1000 miles away, why can't she pick up the phone and call herself?
I know I am being petty about this, but really, if you are going to make personal calls like this, take it to a conference room - and shut the door.
Ok, number two, not that I heard the guys entire life, but it sure felt like it. Dad's computer was on the fritz, he took it to the Geek Squad and they told him to have the hard drive reformatted - I did this because I refuse to pay 200 bucks for them to do something I can do.
So... I reformat the hd and I can't get the operating system installed, the darn computer keeps crashing before windows finishes installing. So, I haul it back to the Geek Squad - they tell me there is nothing wrong with the hardware, but they will "nuke" the hard drive for me. Again I try and install the OS and windows will not install, so I haul it back to the Geek Squad... They nuke the drive again and they can't get the os to install, so they replace the hd, the power supply and the memory in the store - they still can't get it to install. At this point, it has been two weeks and I am starting to get pissed let alone what I have to hear from my dad. They decide to send it to Geek Squad Central, where they only run a hardware diagnostics (which has been done in the store 3 times and it passed 3 times), find nothing and send it back - yet another week. So... the guy at Geek Squad sends it back to GS Central, they finally try to install the os, head slap here, and find that there is something wrong - well duh... I takes them another two weeks to get a new motherboard in stock and installed into the computer, then they decide to ship it ground, which takes another 3 days. All in all, the damn thing took a month and a half to get back - argh... thankfully he had an extended warranty :)
On to better things, I bought a motorcycle with the money I got back on taxes. Actually, we both bought bikes, they are used, but hey they get us around. So I took the riders safety course, passed and got my license. So I am now a biker chick with a tattoo.
My brother is finally moving on with his life. I think he finally realizes what his ex is and that she will never change. It's been nice, we try to get together for happy hour a couple times a month and I have been having a great time getting to know him again.
I have joined Facebook and I am now officially addicted. I have some friends trying to get me on MySpace, which I may do, but I want the newness of Facebook to where off before I try something new. Too much could be overload on this brain.