We were out on the bikes yesterday heading North - just cause... I wanted to stop in Edinboro because I hadn't been to my old stomping grounds in a while and I thought it would be fun. We rolled into town around noon and went to the Hotel, the same place where I spent my 21st birthday. The place looked the same and brought back a lot of memories. We both had a beer, some lunch and bs'd with the bartender.
After lunch, I wanted to take a spin around campus, I had heard they were putting up new dorms and that the one I lived in, Shaffer Hall, was being torn down. So, Gordy and I are riding around campus and we pass where Shaffer should be, and it was gone. I felt this wave of nostalgia wash over me and I started to cry. It was like the last little bit of my younger years was gone. The place I had met Rachael, Scott, Martha, Glenn and the rest of the gang - gone, nothing left but dirt. The room where I spent so much time - D27 - gone. In the past year, I have lost so much that the memories of that time have been fading fast, the last thing that I had to hold onto was the ability to see that old building, now it's gone. I know that time has a way of healing the wounds, but this final loss has reopened that scar just a little, letting in some of the pain I thought had gone.
After we passed through campus, I stopped to have a picture taken of myself in front of the Edinboro sign, maybe this will help keep those memories from fading too much.