Monday, May 22, 2006

Such is life...

The sun was shining as I left the building for lunch. A strong, cool breeze blew the hair away from my eyes. I look up and there are two eagles flying in the high in the wind. I got in the car and thought about the morning. Typical Monday morning for everyone in the office, but one, it may be his last. Days like today make you realize how short life is and how we take those around us for granted.

As I drove in the car to lunch, I thought about my co-worker who is dealing with a very aggressive form of cancer. Seeing him this morning, smile on his face and going about his day like there is nothing wrong, gave me a whole new respect for him.

This came from out of the blue, starting with the stomach flu that just wouldn't go away. Many trips to the "big" city in the past two weeks and now, cancer - pancreatic, the most aggressive form. The funny thing about this killer, it's silent, he had no symptoms and now he is at stage four.

A tear rolls down my cheek as I think back on the time I have known him. Very aloof and private when I first met him, four years later, he has been my golf partner twice and favorite pool shark at company outings.

I “get” him, we’re actually a lot alike. We both take work seriously and don’t have time to “play the games” that are sometimes required in the workplace.

I am sitting at my desk around two and I see him leave work for the day, head down walking for the door. It was strange, it was almost like it would be the last time I saw him. I hope not, I want a chance to let him know that he has made a differnce in my life and it has been a privilege knowing him. At least I get this chance...

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