Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Remembering Pete

Before my friend, Pete, passed on last year, I saw him three or four times a year. I would pick him up at the airport and drop him off at his Mom's in Zelie. While he was home, we would get together for a nice evening out or I would cook dinner.

It was during these visits that I got the feeling that his Mom didn't like him spending time with me. I think she wanted him all to herself while he was home. I totally understand where she was coming from, as I would have probably felt the same way.

I always thought that she was too possesive of him. You could call her high maintenance. When she asks for something, she wants it done right away - no exceptions and never mind what else was going on.

The last time I saw his mom was in August when Stephanie was in town for a visit. While we were there, she told us to go through some things of his, as she was going to throw away anything that we didn't take.

Steph and I looked at the room full of stuff and took photo's, communion certificates and other things. The photo's were of events that were milestones in Pete's life - graduation from high school and college, senior pictures, shots of him uniform.

At the time, I was hurt and upset by her actions. In my mind, she was removing any trace of Pete's existence on this planet. To her, it was like he was never born. She was the same way when her husband died - get rid of everything and pretend it never happened.

I am not sure if this is a culture thing since they were from Chile, but I always thought it was odd.

Anyhow, I sent a Christmas card to both Mrs. Solis and her friend Pat. I got a return card from Pat, and I was surprised with the "years happenings" letter. She mentioned Mrs. Solis and her big move from Zelienople to Butler to a new condo.

I knew Mrs. Solis was to move sometime in the Fall, but I didn't know that it happened. I guess I would expected a call or a change of address note.

When I called Sue to ask her about it, she had no idea either. Considering Sue did a lot for Mrs. Solis, I would have thought she would have known.

My thoughts on this: She's running from the past - she no longer has anything in her life to remind her of Joaquin or Peter. The house, the pictures and the friends are no longer of interest to her. Out of sight - out of mind.

Fortunately Peter will live on through his tried and true friends: Steph, Sue and I. We will never stop loving him. He will remain with us in our hearts and will always watch over us.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

What's in a Name?

This year, I handed out Christmas cards to the people in the office building - the cleaning lady, Jean, and the Maintenance, Rocco and Bruce. There was a reason for this besides being nice, I wanted Bruce to know what my name was. Yeah, I have been waiting for Christmas for months just for this reason - I am so devious...

I planned on putting the cards under the door to Rocco and Bruce's office, but I ran into Jean and knew she had a key and would put them on their desks. I didn't think to much more about it.

About half an hour later, I heard an unfamiliar voice talking with loudmouth Lisa, but I didn't pay to much attention. I went back to work and a moment later, I could feel someone standing behind me. I turn around, there is Bruce.

At first, I am taken back by the fact that he's standing at my desk talking to me. I'm not sure what he wants - is it to thank me for the card? All sorts of weird questions are flying around my head. After what seemed like forever, he asks if I was the one that called in the ceiling leak.

At this point in time, my entire periphrial vision disappeared and all I could see was him. It was like looking through a telephoto lense before taking a portrait of someone.

I gave him my best smile and said, "No, sorry. I haven't heard anything about a ceiling leak."

He said good bye and left. As I sat there gathering my thoughts, I realize how stupid I must have sounded. Then I couldn't concentrate or remember what I was supposed to be doing.

When I finally got back to work after agonizing over what I was working on, I feel someone standing behind me again. Then it happened, he spoke my name.

"Margie, I wanted to thank you for the Card. I was really nice and you didn't have to do that."

The lense just closed in again and it was just him and I. I was bumbling for words and finally came out with, "You guys are always so nice to me, it's the least I can do." I rambled on about something else, then lost eye contact.

He had to have known I was really embarassed, my face must have been 500 different shades of red. He said bye and left.

Looking back on it now I have to smile, my plan worked - He knows my name

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Marge - your'e an idiot...

I swear, I am a complete idiot. Give me an inch and I hide in a hole. I was outside getting something from my car at that all important time - you know, when the maintenance man is leaving work. Anyhow, it's almost dark and I know that he's about to come around the corner. I shut the car door and there he is.

"hey, have a nice night."

"yeah, working." was my lame response. Then he stops waiting for me to explain why I am working late.

"Did you work all day."

"Yep. We are working on a big project that's due at the end of December, so I am working a lot of hours."

"Too bad, I hope you at least make some OT."

"Have a nice night."

"You too."

Ugh, as goofy as I act, this guy must know that I have a crush on him. No matter when we talk to him, I turn 10 different shades of red and bumble my words.

It's not like I am available to pursue anything, nor do I really want to. I just enjoy the thrill of the hunt - wow that is wrong on so many levels.

Maybe I want to know if someone, other than my husband, finds me attractive. Is this possible? I would like to think so, but I doubt it.