Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Restrooms and Cell Phones

I have seen a lot of things in my short life, but today I heard something that made me wonder where people draw the line these days. I went to the restroom this afternoon at work and when I walked in I heard someone talking. I figured it was two women in the restroom conversing about their boss. Needless to say it wasn't, it was someone sitting on the toilet talking on her cell phone. There is a line that I will not cross and that includes talking to someone on the phone and going to the bathroom. I know that a urine stream can be heard over the phone, and golly if you can hear that, imagine what the flushing sounds like. So as I sat there thinking of things to do to embarass this person, all I could think to do was flush over and over and over. When I started to pee, I thought she would finish her business and hang up the phone - no she kept on talking. When I flushed, I thought she would stop talking - I don't think so. Even after I washed my hands and left, she was still talking.

I guess what really bothers me is that people have no respect for each other anymore. I really don't appreciate some stranger hear me pee in the john. If I wanted that, I would join a group that's into "golden showers" - hee hee hee. It's like the rude people in line that can't hang up the phone to order their meal at McDonalds. Is that damn phone so important that common courtesy has flown the coop? I try to be courteous to service people, as they get a lot of shit to begin with, but when someone with a phone treats them as they don't exist, that really makes me mad.

As I sit here, I wonder what the person on the other end of that phone conversation thought when the toilet flushed. Just thinking about it makes me laugh. What's even funnier was that it was a business call - can you imagine :)

1 comment:

Sanity Lost said...

Unfortunately this is not an uncommon thing for people to do. There was a manager where I work and she used to do that all the time. It bugged the hell out of me. I would go use another rest room. I always thought it would be funny to let out a big fart and then a loud over exaggerated sigh afterwards. I think people use the cell phone to demonstrste how important they are.......... look at me..... I am on a really important business call ....... doesn't it sound like I make a lot of money. As for me and my phone..... I use hands free when driving, and if its bad weather or bad traffic I don't answer it. That is what VM is for. and, if I am in a check out lione or some other line I will ask my caller to hold or tell them I will call back later. The person I am face to face with gets my attention first. Maybe someone should write a book of cell phone etiquitte. The have it for e-mails, why not cell phones.