Sunday, October 01, 2006


The episode Tuesday got me thinking about a lot of things, especially why there is so much hate in the world.

Maybe I have been living life with rose colored glasses on, but the things I heard coming from this persons mouth were the most hateful, vindictive I have ever heard come from someone's mouth.

Are we a society plagued with hatred toward our fellow man? I know this is just one small episode, but this has to be happening all over the place. Are people filled with this kind of hatred the reason wars start?

What kind of childhood did this person have to be filled with so much hate? Was she beaten, molested or just verbally abused? It is evident that she wasn't brought up in a loving caring environment, anyone that was would not behave that way, at least I don't think so.

I think people all have different ways of dealing with things, but in most cases, there is good in their hearts. At least this is what I thought before Tuesday...

1 comment:

Sanity Lost said...

Anger is the key word and they don't know how to express it so it comes out in this black spew of nastiness. Degrading another person and making them small is a way to validate themselves. It gives them self worth and makes them feel superior. Sadly it only shows others how small you are.