Wednesday, February 09, 2005

He makes me so mad

I love my husband with all my heart, but sometimes he makes me so angry. He's off on Wednesday's so this is his day to do whatever he wants. We opened a new joint checking account yesterday, but he wasn't there to sign the papers, so he had to go in today. The bank isn't far from where I work, so I thought it would be cool for him to meet me for lunch. This is something we rarely do and since he was going to be in the area, I thought it would be fun - kinda like a midweek date. When I mentioned getting together for lunch today, he turned around and sneared "No, I'm not going to lunch with you." He may not have meant it to come out that way, but it did. I quietly turned around and walked away, I was leaving for work and didn't have time to have it out with him for talking to me that way. I was about 10 feet away when I heard him say "I love you." I remember mumbling something but I'm not sure what. I left the house feeling dejected and wanting to cry, but not being able too.

I truly thought after all this he would show up here and take me to lunch - wishful thinking. This is the second time in a week that he has done or said something that has really taken me by surprise. I guess writing it down is the best way to think it out.

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