Saturday, February 11, 2006


With the impending Valentines holiday coming up, I was thinking about what a depressing day it is for me.

These feelings stem from junior high school - yeah I need to get over it - and the fact that I never had a special guy in my life. I was always a tomboy. My male friends treated me like one of the boys, like a sister, but never anyone they would consider going out with. I never had a problem with this except on Valentines Day.

In junior high, the class sold carnations to raise money for dances and such. They always sold the carnations for Valantines Day and I never got one. All the "pretty" girls had them, in some cases, dozens from admirers. I found this quite depressing.

Not that I was really interested in dating, but I think it was an ego thing. You know, someone paying attention to me (you think I'm high maintenance?). I wanted to feel special.

This continued into high school, college and even into married life. Flowers were a rare occurance in my life...

I understand that roses are expensive on Valentines day. They don't last long and it's like throwing money down the drain. But, to me and at this time in my life, it isn't about the money, it's the thought.

It's about this one little thing - showing everyone else that you love me. I know that I am the world to you, you tell me everyday in everything you do. What is it about flowers and Valentines Day that gets me in such a tizzy?


Sanity Lost said...

Pete always used to buy me live Orchids on Valentines. Alas they are all gone now. They are such sensitive plants and he seemed to have the right touch to keeping them alive. He always had to care for them but I loved looking at them.

MaxieCat said...

I wish I had the money to send you Orchids...

He was always so thoughtful and kind - even if he never had cash :)

Enjoy the day - break out a good bottle of wine and think about all the good times you had together.

If I get time, I'll stop by and see Pete. I'll throw him a kiss for you.

Sanity Lost said...

You do that.....Y

Ya know that is the hardest thing, him being up there..........